Our tips and consult for the mushroom growers or composters



This blog offers you plenty of handy tips. Maybe some of the tips are familiar, or describe quite logical situations. But there may also be some situations you have never really thought about before.

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A new blog will be published here each six weeks.


December 3, 2018

Recovering Period

Mycelium has to grow toward the surface where it develops pinheads. How do you achieve this? By not using the cooling! Common mistakes: You set

October 16, 2018


Straw determines the structure and the nutrient value of compost. New straw is harder, which is why the pre-wet period is crucially important for

September 23, 2018

Pest and diseases information

It is difficult to find good information about the pests and diseases that affect mushroom growing. This blog offers you handy tips on where

July 23, 2018

Odourless hazard

One of the basic raw materials used by composters is gully water or black water. This water is often stored in large water tanks.

June 1, 2018

Mollier diagram

What is the absolute moisture content of the air? Or the enthalpy of the air? More and more growers have a handy app that

April 25, 2018

Number of days of mycelium growth?

Mycelium growth is the stage from the moment of spawning up to the moment the compost is removed from the tunnel and filled into

March 1, 2018

Mushroom casing soil

Why is casing soil used? There are two main reasons: 1. the Pseudomonas putida bacterium; 2.  to regulate evaporation. Mushrooms will not grow without

January 18, 2018

Hygiene, hygiene, hygiene …..

The highly-respected researcher Helen Grogan used these words to open her presentation ‘Trichoderma agressivum in phase-III-compost in bulk’ at the ISMS congress inChina. And

November 19, 2017

Graze picking by planning

Harvesting the beds several times a day – or graze picking – automatically leads to higher production. A mushroom can double in weight in

October 1, 2017

Mycelium fails to develop properly – what now?

You have started cool down, but the mycelium fails to develop properly in the casing soil. The surface of the casing soil stays black.

August 23, 2017

pH during mushroom composting

One of the questions I am most frequently asked is ” what is the optimal pH value of compost?” I always answer that it

June 10, 2017

Irregular mycelium run

Have you noticed more mycelium growing on the surface in the middle of the bed than along the sides? This common problem causes big

Christmas holiday

Due Christmas holiday Mushroom Office is closed from

23 December to 5 January.

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