
Mushroom growers or composters like you are kept busy with the daily running of your farm or compost yard.

This blog offers you plenty of handy tips. Maybe some of the tips are familiar, or
describe quite logical situations. But there might also be some situations you have
never really thought about before.

So how are things managed on your farm or composting yard? Perhaps there are
some things you could do better or differently!

A new blog will be published here every month.


August 30, 2023

Scaling of Mushrooms

We all know the cause of scales! Too much air movement and/or too dry air. However, the wrong solution is often chosen. This decision

May 5, 2023

Fan speed

To grow perfect quality mushrooms, creating a stable climate is essential. A stable climate is determined by the fresh air inlet, the cooling and

January 27, 2023

Where do dry bubble or cobweb come from?

Look for spores? Forget it – spores are so small they are invisible to the naked eye. A proven method is swabbing. How?

December 6, 2019

Bacterial blotch

Bacteria are present everywhere, all the time – but do not cause bacterial blotch. What does cause bacterial blotch is too many bacteria. A

August 21, 2019

Dry bubble disease (Verticillium)

Dry bubble disease may cause a lot of problems because the spores spread quickly. It’s essential to identify and remove the first affected mushrooms

January 17, 2019

Sealed growing rooms and tunnels

Well-sealed growing rooms are essential in order to exclude phorids and sciarids flies! Using chemical or biological control agents makes no sense at all

September 23, 2018

Pest and diseases information

It is difficult to find good information about the pests and diseases that affect mushroom growing. This blog offers you handy tips on where

Christmas holiday

Due Christmas holiday Mushroom Office is closed from

23 December to 5 January.

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