Hygiene, hygiene, hygiene …..

hygiene checks mushroom growing

The highly-respected researcher Helen Grogan used these words to open her presentation ‘Trichoderma agressivum in phase-III-compost in bulk’ at the ISMS congress inChina. And rightly so, as hygiene is the most important weapon in the battle against this mould. A small percentage of infected compost can ultimately infect a huge amount of compost. If just 0.01% of […]

Graze picking by planning

Graze picking by planning with mushroom growing

Harvesting the beds several times a day – or graze picking – automatically leads to higher production. A mushroom can double in weight in 24 hours – that is 4% growth per hour. However, it needs to have space to grow. The amount of space around the mushrooms depends on the next moment of harvesting. […]