Onze tips en adviezen voor de champignonkweker en composteerder


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mei 9, 2019

Anaerobe compost in de bunker

Anaerobe compost, compost zonder zuurstof, is per definitie een slecht proces. Bij het composteerproces is zuurstof namelijk één van de belangrijkste elementen die ervoor

mei 9, 2019

Activiteit en ventilatorstand

Het verschil tussen de composttemperatuur en de luchttemperatuur heet activiteit. Activiteit is de moter van de champignon: zonder activiteit groeit een champignon niet. Ik

mei 7, 2019

Waarvan is de Ph afhankelijk?

In de vorige blog heb ik geschreven wat de pH tijdens het proces zou moeten doen. In deze blog schrijf ik over de invloed

maart 19, 2019

Too much mycelium

On many farms I see lots of problems with quality and particularly  production in the second and third flushes. This immediately prompts a close

juli 23, 2018

Odourless hazard

One of the basic raw materials used by composters is gully water or black water. This water is often stored in large water tanks.

juni 1, 2018

Mollier diagram

What is the absolute moisture content of the air? Or the enthalpy of the air? More and more growers have a handy app that

april 25, 2018

Number of days of mycelium growth?

Mycelium growth is the stage from the moment of spawning up to the moment the compost is removed from the tunnel and filled into

maart 1, 2018

Mushroom casing soil

Why is casing soil used? There are two main reasons: 1. the Pseudomonas putida bacterium; 2.  to regulate evaporation. Mushrooms will not grow without

januari 18, 2018

Hygiene, hygiene, hygiene …..

The highly-respected researcher Helen Grogan used these words to open her presentation ‘Trichoderma agressivum in phase-III-compost in bulk’ at the ISMS congress inChina. And

juni 10, 2017

Irregular mycelium run

Have you noticed more mycelium growing on the surface in the middle of the bed than along the sides? This common problem causes big

maart 26, 2016


Getting optimal results involves cultivation techniques, the amount and quality of the compost, climate control settings and much more. And, of course, all these

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